KAUST SWRO Desalination Plant
Operation and Maintenance of KAUST SWRO Desalination Plant. The Plant provides KAUST university and KAUST community with High quality potable water. KAUST owns Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination plant.
KAUST SWRO plant produces, monitors, and tracks all potable water provided to all consumers. The water it produces is routinely tested to ensure the highest level of quality and safety.

KAUST project is located on the Red Sea in Thuwal (around 80 KM from Jeddah), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. KAUST SWRO Plant has a capacity to Produce and supply potable water 40,000 m3/day. Currently this plant is in the expansion phase for an additional capacity of 10,000 m3/day. Seawater is drawn from an open intake to the seawater intake pumping system, after pretreatment pressurized with High pressure pumps to Reverse Osmosis trains. Potabilization System comprises CO2 Storage and Dosing System and Hydrated Lime Storage and Dosing System.
KAUST’s sustainability goals include a commitment to zero water waste, guided by a water management plan that calls for a reduction of the total on-campus consumption of potable water, including any loss from water distribution.
We produce all of our potable water from desalination, collect all of our wastewater for treatment, and reuse all of the resulting treated effluents in landscaping—completing a full water cycle in an effort toward Resource Efficiency and Circular Economy.

Technologies and Solutions:
Seawater Intake System Seawater intake screens are provided to screen out floating debris and marine life to protect the downstream intake pumping. Screened raw seawater to the downstream spruce media filters is supplied from the Seawater Intake Pumps.
Pre-treatment Chemicals Sodium Hypochlorite for shock chlorination. Onsite Electro-chlorination system is used to produce sodium hypochlorite from seawater.
Spruce Media Filters
Multimedia filters are provided to filter prescreened raw seawater at the required quality and quantity for
the downstream Cartridge Filters and RO process.
RO Section
Four (4) units of RO Pass-1 and four (4) units of RO Pass-2 are provided to produce a total net capacity of 40,000 m3/day. Sodium Bisulfite and Antiscalant are dosed for pre-treatment prior to feeding the filtered seawater to downstream RO pass 1 units. Caustic is dosed before BWRO (RO Pass-2) system to raise the pH of feed water to optimum level to maximize the rejection of Boron and achieving its levels in permeate. RO Pass 1 energy recovery turbine to recover waste energy from SWRO concentrate.
Four (4) units of RO Pass-1 and four (4) units of RO Pass-2 are provided to produce a total net capacity of 40,000 m3/day. Sodium Bisulfite and Antiscalant are dosed for pre-treatment prior to feeding the filtered seawater to downstream RO pass 1 units. Caustic is dosed before BWRO (RO Pass-2) system to raise the pH of feed water to optimum level to maximize the rejection of Boron and achieving its levels in permeate. RO Pass 1 energy recovery turbine to recover waste energy from SWRO concentrate.
Post-treatment (Remineralization)
The blended permeate water from RO pass-1 and pass-2 is aggressive in nature. Therefore, remineralization is carried out by dosing lime solution along with carbonic acid solution in the blended RO permeate water line to condition (remineralize) the desalinated water prior to final distribution and use. Sodium hypochlorite is also dosed to maintain sanitary conditions in the potable water storage, transmission and distribution piping.
The blended permeate water from RO pass-1 and pass-2 is aggressive in nature. Therefore, remineralization is carried out by dosing lime solution along with carbonic acid solution in the blended RO permeate water line to condition (remineralize) the desalinated water prior to final distribution and use. Sodium hypochlorite is also dosed to maintain sanitary conditions in the potable water storage, transmission and distribution piping.
Product Water Storage Tanks
Potable (remineralized) water is then transferred to the downstream Product Water Storage Tanks for onward transmission to KAUST.
Potable (remineralized) water is then transferred to the downstream Product Water Storage Tanks for onward transmission to KAUST.